Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Not all super heroes wear capes. Texas beer ninja saves beer and takes out woman with a box of nachos... I've heard of a high colonic and can't help but wonder is there also a "low colonic"? And what the heck would that be if a high colonic already involves the anus... Whiskey Smoothie would be a good name for a band (or hangover related diarrhea)... Can you imagine being 9-years old and having already hiked the three major nation's longest hiking trails? I hope this isn't the high point for this kid's life... I have to believe that Barack Obama knew the truth about Bowe Bergdahl all along. That's a stain on his legacy that never should be forgotten... The athleticism involved in this move is nuts!...  In solidarity with the Men's National Team - I too will not be going to the World Cup...

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